Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sustainability Made Simple

I got the chance to visit the CA Academy of Sciences.

They had booklets titled "Sustainability Made Simple: Everyday Choices You Can Make to Protect the Planet's Future" that was printed on recycled paper.

Here's some examples that I liked:

*Vehicle Maintenance: Keep your tires inflated to their proper pressure. It will increase your gas milage.

*On the Menu: Purchase seafood that has been harvested sustainably from the ocean.
The July 2009 "Seafood Watch" card is paperclipped to the brown pamplet. You can keep it in your wallet and take it to restaurants you frequent to use as a reference for sustainably harvested seafood choices, if you like.

*On the Menu: Eating Out: Bring your own reusable take-out containers from home.
I leave a clean sturdy tupperware container in a small shoulder bag in the trunk of my car. I don't always remember to bring it into the restaurant with me...but I have been known to run out to the car to get it...instead of asking the restaurant for a "to go" stryofoam/plastic box.

This tupperware situation also works if you buy blueberries from the Farmers Market across the street. If I forget the tupperware container, the vendor ends up dumping my blueberries into a plastic bag. I get home with smashed blueberries after carrying them around in the same tote bag with peaches and nectarines.

Here is the link to the booklet:

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